ISO9001 – quality assurance
In 2003 we introduced the quality management system to ensure the continued growth of satisfaction of our clients. The basis of the developing and implementing of this system is the standard ISO9001 and ISO14001 and the company´s acquired quality management system certificate in 2004.
To give the maximal contribution for the development of the working culture and product quality of our company, we have created and implemented a training system wchich guarantees professional and competent staff. Applied quality management system is continuously improved and corrected. With a goal to improve the quality management system the board of the company inspects the policy and adjusts it appliance accordingly once a year.
В AS Inest Market выработана и внедрена интегрированная система качества и управления окружающей средой, которые сертифицированы согласно международным требованиям стандартов ISO9001 и ISO14001
Klientide rahulolu jätkuva kasvu tagamiseks vajaliku kvaliteetse toodangu ja tootmistegevustest ja toodetest tuleneva keskkonnamõju madalaimale võimalikule tasemele viimiseks ning kiire kliendikeskse teenuse võimaldamiseks on AS INEST MARKET juurutanud ISO9001 ja ISO14001 standarditele vastava kvaliteedi- ja keskkonnajuhtimissüsteemi